MBVCA Programs

 Please see the highlights and posters below for more details. 
  • Buddha Puja : June 22nd  Saturday at 8.00 pm 
  • Poson Bakti Gee: June 22nd Saturday at  8.30 pm
  • Sri Lankan Food Sale : June 22nd and June 23rd 8.30 pm onwards

Weekly Programs: 

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English Program : Dhamma discussion and mediation (English) : Monday at 7 PM online           Zoom Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85182590891  More Details – mbvcamedia@gmail.com

Dhamma School Schedule:  

Dhamma School Link

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Get to Know Buddhism

The Buddha had discovered this great wisdom in order to awaken ourselves and to cease all the suffering that cause to the rebirth. In that sense Buddhism can not be interpreted as a religion or a philosophy It is a “way of living of humans.” The highest goal of this practice is “Nibbana” which means liberation from this rebirth cycle. The fundamental teachings to reach the final achievement are the Eight Fold Path, Dependant Origination, Five Aggregates etc. According to the teachings of the Buddha, the perspective of this practice to realize the Four Noble Truth which is the noble truth of suffering, the noble truth of the cause of suffering, the noble truth of cessation of suffering and the noble truth of the path leading to cease suffering.

Having this basic understanding if a person starts with the Right View that is the foundation of the practice. That right view will lead the person to the purification. That purity will establish the humanity such as, loving-friendliness, compassion, altruistism and equanimity within a person. That person will gain calmness, unshakenness, tranquility, serenity and ultimate happiness in this very life within the family, at work, etc. This is called dwelling as a Noble.